The misplaced jaw causes unbalance between the left and the right jaw joints. It’s like driving a car having one wheel turn left and the other right. You can imagine the strain this puts on the wheels and the steering. Well, you know the strain it puts on You.
Nerves get squeezed. Either directly by the misplaced jaw or the tense muscles around it. The same nerves lie around the jaw as the ears. The same nerves that control the balance system. That’s why you may experience dizziness or lack or balance for example?
No muscle is an island. They’re all connected, either directly or through the nerve system. If your jaw muscles get stiff, all the other muscles around it will tense up too. You’ve probably experienced your shoulders and neck become more tense, as your TMJ has grown worse. This is only one example.
Less noticeable is the tension in all the small muscles in your head. Including your other face muscles, tongue, throat and even eyes. You may also feel like your throat is narrower now than before (you’re not crazy it’s true).
As this tension builds up little by little, you’ll begin to feel the secondary symptoms of TMJ, including:
- Voice fluctuations
- Sore throat without infection
- Swallowing difficulties
- Bloodshot eyes
- Tongue pain
- Balance problems, “vertigo”, dizziness, or disequilibrium
- Feeling of foreign object in throat
- Clogged, stuffy, “itchy” ears, feeling of fullness
- Watering of the eyes
- Plus hundreds of other secondary symptoms…
There is no way to heal your TMJ, unless you loosen up and strengthen all the muscles connected to the jaw and the jaw muscles.